please use the attached instructions to complete the assignment. Teachers certification course

please use the attached instructions to complete the assignment. Teachers certification course Listen to podcasts discussing cooperative learning.  Critique the information by providing 4 plus and 3 delta comments in the discussion page’s textbox.  Also, comment on one other colleague’s post about the content they shared about the podcast. PLEASE SEE TRANSCRIPT FROM PODCAST ATTACHED […]

There are a variety of factors that influence our decision to attend sporting events. These factors include: fan motivation, game attractiveness,

There are a variety of factors that influence our decision to attend sporting events. These factors include: fan motivation, game attractiveness, economic factors, competitive factors, demographic factors, stadium factors, value of sport to the community, sports involvement, and fan identification. For this discussion, list and describe the two types of economic factors that can affect […]

Introduction to Sociology– Week #7 Assignment Gender Messages Write a 500 or more word paper about the three main institutions in gender

Introduction to Sociology– Week #7 Assignment Gender Messages Write a 500 or more word paper about the three main institutions in gender socialization, family, school, and the media. In your paper also: ·         Describe how these institutions affect gender-socialization. ·         Be sure to include contemporary issues and terminology from our textbook to support your descriptions.     […]